Technology Overload

About Me Hello, reader! Look at you taking time from your busy day to check my little blog out. I am a guy taking it one day at a time as I work towards my goal of becoming a high school 9 th grade English teacher. As of the upload date of this post, I recently turned 29, so yes, I am a Capricorn (I still don’t know why people find this important). Please enjoy, and let me know what’s on your mind. Best, Javier. Role of Media Technology It must be, to some extent, apparent that technology has taken its place in our lives for the foreseeable future. Where some may find this idea gut-churning, others have found some solace in knowing technology will exist to make their efforts in living this life so much easier. More so than ever this seems to be the case in the work-from-home environment we currently find ourselves in. Where technology has been a blessing in connecting humanity in new ways (from schooling from home to taking customer service calls in the comfort of your couch), it...